Chat It’s Fate – September 2019

(Michael S) #1
Michelle Jones

Turn to the




Michelle is an author, psychic medium and broadcaster.

She’s been working with angels for the past 20 years.




hen my brother Nick died from
a brain tumour last summer, it
was very diffi cult to accept, but I was
scared to ask for a sign that he was
OK. It didn’t matter though, I was
bombarded with signs, from white
feathers on my doorstep, to
countless feather clouds. Then my
phone and tablet began playing one
of his favourite songs, ‘Always The
Sun’ by The Stranglers, whenever I
picked them up - without the music
being on! When I wondered out loud
to my husband Phil if this was a sign,
it promptly changed to another of
Nick’s favourite songs, ‘Midnight
Blue’ by ELO. This was every single
day, with music apps closed, on both
phone and tablet for about a month.
It stopped suddenly
after I said out loud,
‘I get the message,
you’re OK!’ It still
hurts that he’s
gone, but I’m
comforted that
he’s at rest.


here’s a little-known angel called
Maadim whose sole purpose is to
stand near the moon, to shield the
Earth from the cold. The
Archangel Metatron pointed
him out to Moses one night (as
you do) standing there in the
4th Heaven. He might just be
handy if you forget your
cardigan as the nights get
chillier! It’s worth a try...
Images: Alamy *Name changed

it’s fateit’s fate

Dear Michelle


desperately wanted
children, but my husband
said he had a rare genetic
condition that he didn’t
want to pass on. I was
disappointed but accepted
it. He was away on
business when an offi cial-
looking letter arrived for
him. I opened it - and my
world fell apart. It was from
the Child Support Agency,
chasing him for
maintenance for his three
children! We had been
married for 21 years and
the eldest child was 19. I
cannot describe the
betrayal I felt; it was soul
deep. I divorced him,
feeling that I’d never be
able to trust anyone again.
My best friend suggested

Healing the hurt

The Wellbeing Journal:
Creative Activities to
Inspire by Mind,
£8.99 Michael O’Mara
All profi ts from this
beautifully designed and
illustrated journal go to the
mental health charity Mind, it’s packed
with activities to help relax and destress
and comes highly recommended.


keeping out the cold!


that I ask the angels
to help me recover
myself, and
reluctantly I
agreed, not
believing that it
could possibly
work. Over a bottle
of wine one
evening, I wrote
down a list of what
I wanted from a
man - and just
three days later he
appeared! I needed
a job and began
talking to a man
from a recruitment
agency over the
phone. We got on
so well that we
decided to meet
up - and the rest is
Rowan*, 53,

Dear Rowan

The angels have been
working very hard for
you, my dear, but you
certainly deserve some
happiness! Good luck!
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