2019-03-01 T3 India

(sharon) #1


ISSUE 4 44 /
MARCH 2019

T3 3 India as a magazine/ezine rightly
focuses on products that are new
and under development. This, of
course, does not suggest or imply
outdated. Thepace at which
technology moves, demands
that we cover allproduct
developments for our readers. In few
cases, this meansgoingback to the

past. Lookat theworldwide revival
ofturntables. Only 15 years
ago, the turntable was consigned to
the dustbin. Today, pressing plants
are hardpressed to meet the
demand. The area where retro is
most indemandis music –both
Western andIndian, andT3 3 India
seekstoaddress this gap. Wehope
you enjoy this section.

885 CClasssic Artiststes - WWesternn
886 Classssic AArtistes - Indian

84 T3 Tomorrow ’s Technology TodayMARCH 2019 9 WWW.T3INDIA.COM

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