Lebanon Opportunities – August 2019

(Michael S) #1
Ecomz, the e-commerce man-
agement platform, said re-
cently that it has increased its
capital by $4 million to scale-
up, expand globally, and en-
hance the platform with Arti-
ficial Intelligence (AI) and ma-
chine learning capabilities. The
new equity funding came from
Beirut-based venture capital
firm Cedar Mundi Ventures,
the Kafalat-managed iSME Pro-
gramme, and BLC Bank. “We
may launch other rounds to
raise more funds two or three
years from now because this
line of business always needs
expansion,” said Amer Tab-
bara, Co-Founder of Ecomz and
its Chief Sales Officer. He said
that they had invested nearly
$3 million to develop the plat-
form over the last ten years.
Ecomz (ecomz.com) is an end-
to-end ecommerce manage-
ment platform that operates in
55 countries. It provides e-com-
merce store builder capabilities
and built-in store management
applications to a customer base
of more than 4,000 merchants.
“We plan to expand to Dubai
by the end of the current year,
and to North America and Eu-
rope next year,” Tabbara said.
Ecomz already has a limited
presence in Canada. The com-
pany will first focus on the
Middle East and North Africa
(MENA) where they hope to
find huge opportunities as they
hold a competitive advantage
thanks to their unique product
and the fact that they know
the language and culture of the
region, according to Tabbara.
He said that within one week
of signing up, customers will be
able to easily create their own
e-commerce website through
the Ecomz platform, while
this might take much more
time if other alternatives were
used. Besides geographical

expansion, part of the funds
will be used to enhance the
technical features of the plat-
form through AI and machine
learning capabilities which will
enable Ecomz to easily compete
in North America and Europe,
Tabbara said.

Banks and financial institu-
tions are allowed to lend or
renew credit facilities to busi-
nesses only against duly au-
dited financial statements that
are identical to those submit-
ted to the tax authorities, ac-
cording to a new circular by
the Central Bank (BDL). The
decision applies to enterprises
or companies whose annual
turnover is equal to or greater
than LL1.5 billion ($1 million).
The banks’ assessment of the
credit worthiness of a business
should be based on financial
statements that fulfill these
conditions and that include
the balance sheet, the income
statement, and the cash flow
statement, BDL said. Banks
and financial institutions
whose current lending portfo-
lio is not fully in line with the

new regulation will be given
until the end of September
2020 to rectify the situation.
They are required to ask busi-
nesses that have not amended
their files to immediately set-
tle their loans, otherwise they
must deposit an equivalent
amount with BDL. This deposit
will not generate any interest
and will be frozen until the
adjustment takes place. The
move aims put the practice of
some businesses that hold two
different accounting records
for the purpose of tax evasion
to an end. Where this prac-
tice takes place, an ‘official’
record is submitted to the tax
authorities while the other,
the accurate record, is used for
the business’ own managerial
purposes. Businesses that hold
double records usually do not
issue invoices for transactions
that take place outside the of-
ficial accounting records.

Banks and financial institu-
tions are now allowed to record
immediate profits on finan-
cial engineering operations
carried out with the Central

Bank (BDL) provided the funds
they used in these operations
result from their foreign ex-
change operations, according
to a new BDL circular. They are
also allowed to record immedi-
ate profits if the proceeds used
in these operations are not
derived from funds deposited
with BDL. If these conditions
are not met, banks and finan-
cial institutions must continue
to apply an earlier decision
requiring them to record the
profits resulting from swap op-
erations, or sale and purchase
operations of financial instru-
ments performed with BDL,
over the life of the exchanged
instruments. The new amend-
ment applies to operations ex-
ecuted starting from the begin-
ning of this year. The surplus
(profit) resulting from these
operations must be recorded
in the income statements of
the banks and financial insti-
tutions. The profit must be
transferred at the end of the
fiscal year to their non-distrib-
utable general reserves. This
means that the banks and fi-
nancial institutions will not be
able to distribute these profits
as dividends, which will help
bolster their equity and capi-
tal adequacy. These reserves
could also be used to help
them meet any new require-
ments. The move is part of the
implementation of the Inter-
national Financial Reporting
Standard 9 (IFRS 9) which was
published by the International
Accounting Standards Board
(IASB) and which addresses
accounting procedures relat-
ing to financial instruments.
The new decision will also help
boost BDL’s foreign currency
reserves. BDL’s Banking Con-
trol Commission is to oversee
the sound implementation of
the new decision, according to
the circular.



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