Beijing Review – August 15, 2019

(Sean Pound) #1


Copyedited by Rebeca Toledo

Frequent Mass Shootings

Leave Deep Scars on the U.S.

Mass shootings, which have become chillingly
common nationwide in the U.S., are once again
unveiling many deep scars, new and old, in U.S.
At least 20 people were killed on August 3 amid
back-to-school shopping in El Paso in western Texas.
nine people had been killed and at least 16 more hos-
In less than 10 days, shootings occurred in South
Haven, Mississippi, Gilroy, California and Brooklyn,
New York, taking the lives of dozens of innocent
All over the world, people are looking at the U.S.
and wondering what is going on. Why, time after time,
is the U.S. seeing such indescribable horror?
Again, frequent mass shootings are revealing the
inconvenient truths about U.S. society, with gun con-
trol being top of the list.
Gun violence, especially mass shootings, is such
wide and even worldwide discussion, but is left in
the dust bin when things return to normal.
In the U.S., the issue of gun use is deeply inter-
twined with group interests, and calls for stricter gun
control are largely silenced by powerful parties and
blocs. Public opinion appears to be of little signifi-
cance in the face of interest groups.
Therefore, the discussion of gun control in the U.S.
has been formalistic, without any progress to push
the country to a safer situation where people can feel

The reasons behind a growing number of social
problems in the U.S. are also creating conditions for
gun abuse.
For instance, the income gap between the
rich and poor continues to widen. Social tensions
have become more acute. U.S. society is gradu-
ally becoming fragmented, and some groups are
increasingly being marginalized. All these factors
may cause psychological problems among certain
people and eventually take a toll on U.S. society in
the form of different types of violence, including
mass shootings.
According to a report released by the U.S.
preceding attacks, most perpetrators had at least
homelessness. The report demonstrated that social
in the U.S.
It is still under investigation whether the attacker
in the August 3 shooting in Texas was motivated by
racial hatred. U.S. media quoted the police as say-
ing that the shooting was related to “a possible hate
crime.” According to other media reports, the gun-
man published a manifesto which revealed he was a
white supremacy.
Even though the authenticity of relevant infor-
mation is still to be confirmed, rising racism and
are part of the reality of U.S. society as well as causes
of many mass shootings.
For instance, both of the attackers at synagogues
in southern California in April and synagogues in
Pittsburgh in October 2018 were white, and were re-
ported to be antisemitic.
All the above indicates that U.S. society is
haunted by dissatisfaction and hatred. The increasing
phenomenon of “shooting due to the slightest dis-
content” is worrying U.S. people.
Can heavy gunfire and loss of innocent lives
stimulate the authorities to face and solve various
problems in U.S. society?
What is certain is that the bloodbath in Texas
won’t be the last one if the U.S. Government fails to
solve social problems and turns a blind eye to ex-
panding social divergence and violence. Q

Rising racism

and increasing



different ethnic

groups are part

of the reality

of U.S. society

today, as well

as the causes

of many mass



shocked by two mass shootings within 24

hours, in which over two dozen innocent

people lost their lives. Gun violence, which

happened occasionally in the U.S. over

the past decades, now happens at a high

frequency. People are worried mass gun

shootings will trigger a new round of social

problems in the U.S. A Xinhua News Agency

commentary on August 4 pointed out that the

shootings have caused deep psychological

wounds to U.S. society. Below are excerpts

from the commentary:

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