Combat Aircraft – September 2019

(singke) #1 // September 2019 2121

tactics, techniques, and procedures — and
not just for the DoD. The ranges occupy
nearly three million acres of landmass,
and as for airspace, it encompasses 12,000
square nautical miles of both joint-use
Military Operating Area (MOA) and
civilian air tra c access, and over ight is
Often referred to as ‘Paradise Ranch’,
‘Dreamland’, and Area 51, the facilities

within what aviators refer to as the
‘Container’ or R-4808N on sectional
charts, are steeped in both fact and
folklore. Some of the most amazing
aircraft programs in history have deep
roots at the facility, which sits on Groom
Dry Lake. Lockheed’s U-2, SR-71, and the
predecessor of the F-117 all  ew there.
Di erent aircraft with di erent markings
and national origins have been seen

operating in the vicinity of R-4808N. ADS-B
feeds sometimes show curious activity,
usually at odd hours of the night.
It’s an entry on the bucket list of any
military aviation enthusiast to catch even
the faintest glimpse of the adjoining dry
lakebed and its ridiculously long runway.
The facility is also at the heart of almost
every aviation-related conspiracy theory
and UFO story since the much-discussed
recovery of crash debris near Roswell, New
Mexico, in the late 1940s. The area has also
been featured prominently in feature  lms
— Independence Day and its sequel, for
example. Books have been written about
it and television documentaries made.
Some say the entire lunar landing was
 lmed there. Others think alien spacecraft
are kept there. Even aliens themselves
are rumored to be there — or at least
their remains.

Reality strikes
Nevada is the most mountainous state
in the US. Some 150 mountain ranges

Below: This
offi cial photo
dates back to
2013, and was
released before it
was realized that
the Groom Lake
base is shown in
the background.
Ironically, it nicely
illustrates the ring
of security that
surrounds this
highly classifi ed
installation. USAF
Inset: Two
‘Have Blue’
were designed
to provide a
fi ghter
with low-
which led directly
to the F-117
Nighthawk. They
were both test
fl own at Groom
Lake. Lockheed

20-22 Ops Desk C.indd 21 18/07/2019 15:40

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