Combat Aircraft – September 2019

(singke) #1
As the US military builds an
impressive air armada in and
around the Middle East, Combat
Aircraft assesses the air power
assets that are on hand for
President Trump.

REPORT Jamie Hunter


no secret of the increased air
power presence it has been
amassing in the Persian Gulf
region in recent months. The
US has been at the center of
steadily increasing tensions with Iran,
blaming Tehran for attacks on oil tankers
in May and June. Iranian missile batteries
controversially downed a US Navy
RQ-4A Broad Area Maritime Surveillance
— Demonstration (BAMS-D) unmanned
air system while operating over the
Strait of Hormuz on June 19. The Iranian
Revolutionary Guards Corps (IRGC) said
it had  red upon the surveillance drone
over Iranian airspace. On July 11, the
Royal Navy frigate HMS Montrose came
to the aid of a British oil tanker in the
Persian Gulf that was being threatened
by Iranian boats. CAPT Bill Urban, lead
spokesman for US Central Command
(CENTCOM) said in a media release:
‘We are aware of the reports of Islamic
Revolutionary Guard Corps Navy’s
harassment and attempts to interfere
with the passage of the UK- agged
merchant vessel British Heritage today
near the Strait of Hormuz. Threats to
international freedom of navigation
require an international solution. The
world economy depends on the free
 ow of commerce, and it is incumbent
on all nations to protect and preserve
this lynchpin of global prosperity.’

Regional stability
While President Trump reportedly rowed
back from limited retaliatory air strikes
on June 20 over the RQ-4 shoot-down,
the deterrent surrounding the expanded
military presence in the region is designed
as a clear message to encourage Iran to fall
back into line.
CENTCOM has been at the heart of the
campaign against the so-called Islamic
State (IS) since August 2014, and continues
to tackle remaining pockets of  ghters.
Coupled with a resurgence in demand for
air power support in Afghanistan under
Operation ‘Freedom’s Sentinel’ and the

Left: A 335th
Fighter Squadron
(EFS) ‘Chiefs’
F-15E over Iraq
in June. The
Seymour Johnson
front-line units
are shouldering
the current OIR
USAF/SSgt Keifer
Bottom left to
right: Brig Gen
Lance Pilch is
the new 380th
Air Expeditionary
Wing commander
at Al Dhafra.
USAF/SSgt Chris
imagery of two
F-35As that
fl ew Operation
‘Inherent Resolve’
missions in full
external loadout
in May. The
aircraft carried
six GBU-49s, a
pair of AIM-120
two AIM-9X
Sidewinders. USAF // September 2019 25

24-28 US Gulf Air C.indd 25 18/07/2019 13:46

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