Combat Aircraft – September 2019

(singke) #1
‘We start with academics, which contains
tactics, formation  ying and air-to-ground
missions — the wing is responsible for
instructors,  ghter pilots who go through
IFF, sensor operators and CSOs plus RPA

RPA training
The 558th FTS is responsible for the
important RPA pipeline. Reactivated at
Randolph AFB in 1992, the 558th FTS was
previously tasked with navigator training
in the T-43A until being deactivated in

  1. In 2010, it was reactivated under
    the 12th FTW for MQ-1 Predator pilot and
    sensor operator training. Maj Ron Oswald
    is the 558th FTS assistant director of
    operations. Before this assignment he was
    stationed at Cannon AFB, New Mexico,
    and Creech AFB, Nevada, where he  ew
    the MQ-9 Reaper. ‘One of my jobs is the
    RPA instrument quali cation course as a
    course director,’ Oswald explained. After
    RPA  ight screening at Pueblo, students
    follow a three-phase program to attain
    their wings. First, they must achieve
    a private pilot’s license in Colorado.
    Then they go to the 558th FTS for their
    instrument quali cation course, which
    lasts approximately three months and
    involves learning how to  y without visual
    references and relying on instruments.
    The instrument quali cation course is
    followed by the RPA fundamental course,
    which takes about a month. Oswald


34 September 2019 //^

30-35 Randolph Training C.indd 34 18/07/2019 13:45

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