F1 Racing UK – August 2019

(singke) #1

characteristics of the wide-angle engine–
Renault had gravitated towards optimising its
chassis around a rearward weight bias. It also
enjoyed what was, ineffect, a works relationship
with Michelinwhile the tyre war was at its height,
and this had masked a gradual loss of correlation
between aero research in the windtunnel and
the on-track reality. Thedisa strous 2007 season
required Renault to rethink its entire car concept,
right down to thesuspension geometry.
At the same time, the FIA under Max Mosley

was pursuingstringent cost-cutting measures,
many of which focused on thepowe rtrain.
Engines hadto last for two race weekends from
2005, 2.4-litre V8s became mandatory in 2006,
and the following year the specifications were
frozen ahead of a move to standardEngine
Control Units in 2008. Briatore spotted an
opportunity to make savings and slashed staffing
at Viry, failing to spot a loophole his rivals had
identified: youcouldchangeengine components
provided youcould make a compelling case for it

to be done on reliability grounds.
By the time it became obvious that other
manufacturers were smuggling in performance
steps under a flag of convenience, the damage
was done. Renault had fallen behind, andtwice in
the seas ons to come it would petition the FIA to
grant special dispensation to modify its engines-
only once with success. Years later, the cutbacks
at Viry would go on to impair its preparations for
the hybrid era and provide the foundations for
Renault’spresent predicament.

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