Hello! Magazine UK – 19 August 2019

(John Hannent) #1
Wri ht and herformer
nniversar thisChristmas,there
e anextrareasontocee rate.
ello canexclusivel revealthat
ouplec areexpectingtheirfirst
childtheda aftertheanniversar
oftheirma icalwinterwonderland
eddin on 22 Decembe
Wewante a winterwe ing
ecausewe ove C ristmasso
uc , sas Laura,29. T is ear
i e evenmoreamazing.
T eirjoyis p aintoseeasLaura,
0 wee s pregnant,s owsoff er
baby bum in our exclusive
hotoshoot.It’staking lacenear
theLondonhomethe sharewith
t eir e ove ogRoc , w o s
oingto avetogetuse tos aring
t e ir s attentionwit a new orn.
He eeps oo ingatmeina
confuse wa, sa s Laura. Dogs
resointuiti e.”

hesingerfell regnant uickly
butit wasonl atthe12-weekscan
inJunethattheha y newssankin.
I wasfu y ex ectingt emto
justte meI wasa it oate ,
aug s Laura,w o fet a it roug
uri t e firsttrimester.
“I hadnoideait wasgoingtobe
sovisua, sas Harr, 32,w o wor s
s a ersona trainer,s eciaisingin
o i it. I in I satt eret e
o e timewit mymout open.
o seet e eart eating– it was
hel ingHarryvisualisethebaby.
I eensa ing: To a e
a is t e sizeofanavoca o,
u uatora ic e.
Laug s Harr: Sounti e
scan,I een ui inga icture
oft e a ase onfruit.
T e mum-to- e as een


s ony n e
t w w
hatI’vebe n
o s ow, says
aura who
arre arr
v n n h lf
ont s ago
ri ht in a
agca estve











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