Classic American – September 2019

(lily) #1
Classic American


GTO 1964-1974 –

Data and ID Guide

Author:Peter CSessler
Published by:Car Tech

Data and Identification Guides for
American cars are primarily intended
for those enthusiasts who are either
intending to buy one or are already
lucky enough to have an example.
They are essential reading for those
with avested interest in determining
exactly what they are looking for or
may already have. It’simportant to
know how originalaspecific car is,
how it differs from its factory-fresh
configuration, how rare or desirable
it is, and, ultimately,how much it
is worth. That said,abook which
provides all the data one might
reasonably need aboutaparticularcar
is alsoagood source of information
for fans of that marque in general,
regardless of whether they would ever
aspire to owning one.
This Pontiac GTO Guide is typical.
While there are relatively few GTOs
in theUKand the prices of those
stateside have escalated over the
years sufficiently to makeapersonal
importaserious investment, interest
in such machines isunrelenting. Few
of us will ever own one, but it’sfun
and educating to discover production
numbers, the engines available, how
the colours and trim varied from year
to year,how much the cars and the
optional accessories cost back in the
day and which models are more, or
less,desira ble. The guide explains VIN
lddi bmore interesting
the developing
toryoft he GTO
om introduction to
TOs haveastrong
llowing, regardless
fwhether you
wn one or not.
This guide will
make you

Full-Size Ford Restoration 1960-1964

Author:Colin Kleer
Published by:Car Tech


r 60 1964

Chevelle Restoration

and Authenticity


Author:DaleMcIntosh and Rick Nelson
Published by:Car Tech

If done right, how-to restoration books are great,
providing advice on what’sneeded, special
techniques and tools, plus useful technical data.
We have twofor you this month, one for Ford
fans, one for the Chevy lovers. Early Sixties
American Fords were relatively common over
here. Why? Perhaps they were the vehicles
most American Service personnel serving in
the UK left here, preferring to take back British
andEuropeansportscars at the end of their tour?
It meant that there were more of these strong, fast
andsimple tomaintain cars available for driving and
racing, both on the circuit and the quarter-mile. That
they were successful in competition is evidenced
by the number still competitive in historic racing
today,thoughmost will surely be recent imports, the
originals having succumbed to the British weather!
GM cars of the late Sixties were similarly popular
over here, including the mid-sized Chevelles, though
again, howmanysurvived? The relative ease of
finding decent vehicles for personal import, using
the internet and the wide range of specialist shipping
companies, has made acquiring one of these
great cars much easier.That said, regardless

need to keep them well maintained, which is why
these books become invaluable references.
For those who do have, or are looking for,
an early Sixties Ford, whether it beaGalaxie,
Fairlane, Starliner or Custom, or prefer the later
Chevys in the form ofa1970-1972 Chevelle,
help is now at hand to assist you in both finding
the right vehicle and maintaining it toahigh
standard. CarTech are good at these Restoration
How-tos and commission genuine enthusiasts
of the marques featured in each volume to
share their hard-earned experience for the benefit
of others.
Each book followsasimilarsequence, starting
with aquick intr oduction of the cars, with
advice on how to chooseaproject to suit you,
how to identify what you have and check
tthe vehicl eIDnumbers. While the details
wwill differ,eachvolume walks you through
whaattools and equipment you’ll need, then has
chaaptersoneach of the mechanical and cosmetic
elemments that will need disassembly,repair,
resttorationand reassembly.They cover bodywork
anddpaint, engine and transmission, rear axle and
driveline, chassis overhaul, electrical, interior,and
misscellaneous component recommissioning.
The Ford book asks the reader to consider
theestandard of restoration required, such as
daaily driver,showcar or concourse.Ita lso
prrovides advice on early Sixties Ford values, but
onnly as an indication of how different Fords of
thheera differ,not actual prices. The Chevelle
boook, being more specific, hasachapter
wwhich provides many useful details, facts and
mmyths about the cars with VIN code details,
innformation about wheels, tyres and trim
vvariations. Additional appendices add engine
ccodes, assembly procedures and miscellaneous
ffacts. Whether you favour the Ford or the
CChevy,both books should prove invaluable. 77
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