More of Our Canada – September 01, 2019

(lily) #1

A Fabulous Foursome

Having fun while giving back is what these ladies are

all about by Jill Walters, Perth, Ont.



hat started out as
an afternoon of fun
and games, with a
potluck lunch thrown in, has be-
come a worthwhile fundraiser
for four women here in Lanark
County, Ontario.
For the last seven years,
Daisy Au, Johana Lintaman
and I have come together once
a month to play mahjong. The
fourth woman has changed sev-
eral times over the years and is
currently Carol Noy.
About four years ago, we de-
cided to up the ante, so to speak.
At the time, I was involved in
an elementary school breakfast
program and suggested that my
mahjong mates kick in to help
the kids out. And the idea took
off from there.
Now, we put in money every
month and, as a result, have
collected in total almost $600
and the pot keeps growing. Ben-
eficiaries to date have been The
Stewart School, an elementary
school in Perth, and Interval
House, a women’s shelter in
Carleton Place.
So, what is mahjong? Well,
the game looks like dominoes
because it’s played with tiles but
is more along the lines of rummy,
since the object of this Chinese
game is to collect runs and sets,
or in the language of the game
itself, chows and pongs. Throw
in some winds and dragons just
to make things interesting and
whoever lays down four com-
binations of three tiles each,
plus a pair, wins. Sounds simple

enough but there are numerous
other rules and challenges to
mahjong. We love it!
In the beginning, there
were disasters with the lunch
because, being potluck, there

Clockwise from above:
Washing the tiles before playing
mahjong; the potluck luncheon
all set out; mango pudding
for dessert!

38 More of Our Canada SEPTEMBER 2019
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