More of Our Canada – September 01, 2019

(lily) #1
(clockwise from above)

SUMMER EVENINGS “At our cottage in the Laurentians,
north of Montreal, there are two Adirondack chairs on our
dock, where my wife Ruth and I frequently enjoy a cup of
tea after supper,” shares Jaan Ranne of Kinburn, Ont. “One
evening, she finished her tea before me but left her favourite
mug on the arm of the chair. The mix of colours, along with
the setting sun and the lake reflecting the shoreline and
clouds, provided a great photo op.”

B.C. BEAUTY“My husband and I were on vacation last
summer with our daughter Krista and her fiancé Mark, who
were visiting from London, England,” says Betty Weir of
Portage la Prairie, Man. “Mark had been to B.C. once before
and absolutely loved the mountains. He couldn’t wait to visit
again. We had gone hiking just outside Fernie and stopped
to have a drink at a lodge with a beautiful view of the moun-
tains. I took this photo down by the little beach there and it
turned out to be Mark’s favourite photo of the trip!”

SOUNDS OF SILENCE“While at our cottage on Ponhook
Lake in Greenfield, N.S., I sat in one of these chairs with my
coffee every morning, listening to the usual sounds of people
getting up and coming down to the lake to start their day,”
says Dodie Mezo of Toronto. “On this particular day, I got up
just before dawn so that I could go down to the lake to watch
the sunrise. Where usually the sounds of cottagers rising
echoed across the lake, now there was only silence. I was
overwhelmed by the pure stillness of that moment.”

46 More of Our Canada SEPTEMBER 2019

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