More of Our Canada – September 01, 2019

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Enjoying local nature spots

by James Hamilton, Wabasca, Alta.


An eared grebe
perched on its
floating nest.


captured this shot of
an eared grebe com-
ing out of the water
on to its floating
nest. The nest was at-
tached to reeds growing
in a pond created by heavy equipment dig-
ging out clay in previous years. The pond
is just one of a group of ponds located be-
hind our acreage here in Wabasca. These
ponds attract all kinds of wildlife includ-
ing deer, the occasional moose, muskrats,
beaver, various waterfowl, birds and in-
sects. There is an osprey’s nest nearby and
every year the osprey picks off a few baby
bufflehead ducks to feed its young from the

brood of about a dozen that is raised on the
ponds. My wife and I feel grateful for this
plethora of wildlife, basically right in our
backyard. We can take our grandchildren
there to enjoy spotting wildlife with us. We
don’t have to drag them miles into the bush
to observe nature. They don’t have time to
lose interest if it’s “too hot” or “too buggy!”
The eared grebe always builds a floating
nest, like this one. Some years, the water
level will change so drastically during in-
cubation and fledging that the nest is ei-
ther flooded or left high and dry. In both
cases the young may not survive. In this
case all went well and three young eared
grebes survived and thrived. ■

52 More of Our Canada SEPTEMBER 2019

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