More of Our Canada – September 01, 2019

(lily) #1
Evenings, after we bathed in
the round tin tub by the stove, or
washed at the shiny black pump,
Grampy would pass around a
bag of peppermints or choco-
lates. Someone would relate a
funny story or two and Nanny
would convulse with laughter. It
seemed to us that she couldn’t
get her breath. We would stare,
fascinated and fall into giggles

ourselves as we realized this
was just Nanny’s way.
As dusk approached and the
moon winked down on us, it
was bedtime again in beloved
Horton. Strangers’ feet walk
the floor now, but for many
decades the people whose
genes I share, lived and loved
in the big grey house by the
chestnut tree. ■

Send Us Your Best

Stories & Photos

IT’S TRADITION What long-standing family tradition
would you like to share—a weekly family movie night,
a monthly card game, an annual get-together? All of your
traditions are worth sharing!

PASTIMES Are you a Collector of unusual things?
Maybe you’re particularly Crafty or have a talent to Showcase?
Wherever your interests lie—from scrapbooking to hiking, and
all points in between—we hope you’ll tell us all about them—
and send along plenty of eye-popping photos as well.

WHEELS Have a passion for vintage automobiles and
motorcycles? Or maybe high-performance cars, trucks or
all-terrain vehicles are more your speed. Whatever gets your
motor running—up to and including that old beater you
owned as a teenager—we’d love to hear all about it!

STORYTIME Whether it’s part of their mid-afternoon
“quiet time” or their nightly tucking-in ritual, kids just love
a good story. Here’s an opportunity to share that original
children’s tale you’ve been meaning to write!

If you have an idea you don’t see here, send it along
as well! Submit your stories and photos at
or see page 64 for our address.

Dear Diary ,

This morning, my sister

who’s seven, two neighbour
friends, Netty and Faye, and

I were making houses out of

the wood Grampy chopped.

We wore our play dresses.
Mine was red and white. My

sister’s was blue. Anyway we

got bored. So we decided to

go to Grand Pre park. It was
quite far away. We forgot to

ask permission. They are

all younger than me so I felt

responsable for them. Some-
times I skipped and sang a lot.

It was a long walk. When a car

came I told them to jump into
the ditch. They obeyed. We

were almost to the park when

my sister saw a shortcut. It

was a cow pasture. But then
Netty had to go the bathroom.

There was none. She couldn’t

wait even though I told her

to. Plop!!! She did everything
right there and even worse she

left her undies on the cow path.

I was desgested. But then we

saw a grassy bank that went
into the park. We rolled down

the hill over and over. It was so

funny. We saw a big stature. It
was Evangeline. A man named

Longfellow wrote a poem about

her. It was on a plack. Then we

went over to the church which
is now a muzeum. We saw lots

of old stuff. There was a store

nearby but we didn’t even have

money for Nesbitt’s Orange.
Then we walked home. My sis-

ter and I didn’t get into trouble

but maybe Netty did.

It was an enjoyable day.

I’m sinning off now.

Good night

56 More of Our Canada SEPTEMBER 2019

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