Inc. Magazine – September 2019

(Nancy Kaufman) #1

At Comcast, we didn’t build the nation’s

largest Gig-speed network just to make

businesses run faster.

We built it to help them go beyond.

With data connectivity that allows

fast, reliable interactions and seamless

collaboration between customers,

employees, and locations. Richer

customer experiences, driven by

intelligent WiFi, analytics, and improved

insights on business performance.

And virtual network solutions that help

businesses monitor and manage their

entire operation from anywhere.

From retailers to restaurants, banks to

hospitals, cities to schools, every day

our technology is helping businesses and

organizations of all sizes go beyond the

expected to do more.

Take your b usine s s beyond.

Fast is

the nation’s largest

Gig-speed network.

Beyond Fast is

helping businesses

go beyond the

expected to do

the extraordinary.

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