South African Garden and Home – September 2019

(Nandana) #1

a long driveway down the east side with the garages at
the back.”
The entrance is dominated by a stunning scrap-metal
sculpture of a horse by Antonia Cronje, daughter of the more
famous Pierre, that the owner presented to his wife as an
anniversary gift. Charcoal aluminium-framed windows and
doors, and high-pitched roofs with exposed wooden rafters set
the tone for this modern take on country living.
Architect Kim Johnson, who designed the house, initially
trained in industrial design and brought an edgy, practical
boldness to the project. “I like to create a blank canvas, so
that if the owners want to change their decor, or new owners
move in, the house will suit whatever style is introduced,”
she explains. “In addition, I like to bring in a little visual
information about how the building is constructed, such as
the strong shuttering element in the ceiling of the walkway
between the two barns.”
Kim introduced a certain London flavour to the house with
the use of the metal-framed windows and was inspired by 

THISPAGE,FROMTOPTOBOTTOM: In the kitchen, pendant
A sofa and ottoman from Sprout Design add colour to the
sitting area of the main bedroom. Oak flooring from Oggie
Flooring links the upstairs rooms.

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