ImagineFX - 10.2019

(Ann) #1

Core Skills Line drawing


Underdrawing sets
a foundation
A great piece of line work usually
starts with a messy, lighter
underdrawing. Having a more fluid
foundation helps you see the end
result without the intimidating
commitment of getting everything
perfect. And keeping it lighter by
using a traditional pencil such as a
2H means that you can erase
mistakes with ease.


When it comes to creating
cleaner and tighter line work, staying
consistent is key. Not only should you
be aware of the look of your line but
also the pressure you’re applying to
the pencil and on the paper. Be
actively aware at this stage and don’t
rush it!

To avoid smudging, I work top to bottom
and left to right, since I’m right-handed.
You can’t smudge graphite if there’s
nothing under your hand to smudge.

Be sure to regularly check
what you’ve done to make
sure you are keeping the
line steady throughout.

You can see that my underdrawing is
kept light enough for me to work
over but just dark enough to provide
me with a foundation!

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