ImagineFX - 10.2019

(Ann) #1



In the first instalment of her series on using the free art program Krita,

Sara Tepes shows how she tidies up her imported pencil sketches...

Krita is an extensive
free digital painting
program that can
achieve professional
painting and editing
results. The interface is sleek and easy
to use, making this platform a logical
choice for users who want to jump
into painting unencumbered by
some of the superf luous features
found in other painting programs.

This workshop will be simple for any
user to follow, whether beginner or
expert in Krita. Using only three
adjustment layers and one brush, you
can achieve a professional and clean
edited version of your scanned
sketches and drawings.
Begin with opening up a scanned
image into Krita. For your scan
settings, it’s important to scan at
150dpi at the very least. This is what

monitors use for displaying images.
For print, scan at 300 or 600dpi. The
former is sufficient, but I always scan
at 600dpi to ensure I capture every
detail, especially since my drawings
are usually on the smaller side.
When saving the image, JPEG files
are the most convenient. Always
make sure to save at the highest
quality if you intend to print out or
post the final image on social media!


Adjust the brightness and contrast of your sketch
Create a new Filter layer and select the Levels tab. This will give you an easy way to adjust the brightness and darkness of your image. The
first slider controls the blacks, the middle controls the midtones, and the last slider controls the whites. Bring the black and white sliders more
towards the centre, until the paper is white and your pencil lines are sufficiently dark enough. If you’ve lost some of the detail, move your
midtone slider to the right; this will help you recover some of the finer lines.

Core Skills: Part 1

Sara Tepes
Sara is an illustrator who
works with both digital
and traditional mediums,
and enjoys making
YouTube videos teaching
on various art topics.



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