Care Home Professional – August 2019

(Tuis.) #1


outstanding care but added the role of
the registered manager was key.
“A lot of it comes down to the drive and
ambition of the local manager,” he noted.
Of its three outstanding homes, one
manager has been with the company for
24 years, another 10 years and the other
has been poached by a competitor.
“Both of our outstanding managers
are keen to look at new ideas and
innovation,” Paul said.
“They are constantly rearranging
their home, trying out new things. They
are always wanting to do better for
their residents. It’s about culture and
behaviour and the role modelling they
give to their wider team and people being
made to feel part of a team and the vision
for the home. It’s homes with direction
and momentum that get there.”
As well as its overall outstanding
home, the provider also recognises its
homes with one outstanding KLOE to
provide a further incentive for them to
go one better.
Greeensleeves Care also shares its


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resident and family feedback with
Your Care Rating which helps the
provider gauge how it is doing across
its portfolio as well as how it performs
against its peers.
eLearning enables the provider to
help staff at acquired homes hit the
ground running by allowing them to
begin training before day one.
The provider’s training team provide
the biggest input during the onboarding
process, spending time going through
a full induction looking at values,
behaviour and checking their training
metrics are up to date and ensuring
they are not going to fall foul of CQC.
“People like the fact we are a charity
and know that any surplus income we
generate goes back into the services,”
Paul said.
The charity established its Centre for
Quality in 2015.
“We have a couple of working
programmes where we bring together
different staff groups to look at different
areas,” Paul added.

“The first one we did looked at
activities and community engagement.
About 12 of our people got together
and developed a manual new activities
co-ordinators can be given to kickstart
them on their journey.”
Cooks and chefs from each of the
services come together for two days each
year to share best practice. Greensleeves
Care also has a learning stream on end
of life care in association with the Royal
Trinity Hospice in Clapham.
“We take the time to make sure we
make the most of the fact we have become
a group of care homes,” Paul added.
During the first six months following
acquisition, Paul said it was also
important to give homes breathing
space to be allowed to embed into the
“We generally have a policy when
we take a home on unless there is
anything which needs addressing for
safety reasons to leave them alone for
six months and let them adapt and
get used to us and us get used to them
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