African Hunting Gazette – July 2019

(Tina Sui) #1


News & Letters


Thank you for such an amazing magazine.
Through AHG and your other work you
are an extremely impactful advocate for
hunting in Africa. I have read your Spring
2019 editorial several times as it has
really resonated with what has become a
passion for me - promoting and introducing
fellow hunters and wildlife enthusiasts to
the incredible experience of being on the
ground, in the bush, of Africa. In 2014 a
good friend, Jim Rice, introduced me to
South Africa by inviting me on a hunting
safari. That trip was literally life-changing
and I am forever grateful. I returned to
South Africa the following year by myself
mainly to hunt a lioness in the Southern
Kalahari as it seemed certain that import
restrictions would be implemented by US
Fish and Wildlife. That did happen, but not
before my trophy was in the states and at the

taxidermist. In my reflection on these two
safaris, I vowed to only return Africa if I was
taking one or more first-time visitors.
Well, it is easier said than done, as being
a strong evangelist for Africa does take
effort and persistence. Regardless, on my
third hunting safari I was accompanied
by my son Scott (his first time in Africa)
and we are both planning our next safari
in 2020 which will include at least one
first-time hunter and one first-time non-
hunter. I have also taken a business trip to
Africa where I included first-time visitors
and we also took a photo safari to Kruger.
I truly believe that if we hunters vowed
to take at least one first-time attendee on
each and every trip to Africa, eventually
we will increase the level of recreational
and hunting safari participants. Many of
these folks will in turn become evangelists
for the Dark Continent, and this will
continue to improve the revenue realized

by the hosting companies and the general
economic standing of the people in the the
towns and villages that work supporting
the hunting industry.
Richard, sometimes I struggle with what
we as hunters can do to have a significant
impact on assuring a future for hunting
in the US and abroad. I do believe we
can make a difference and this will
happen one person at a time. My advice
to hunters is go to Africa and go often.
And, when you go, introduce someone
new to this amazing place. Perhaps it will
be life-changing for them as well. Thank
you again for all you do to support the
hunting industry in Africa. By the way,
I recently signed up as a Life Member of
AHG and I am pretty excited.

Lavon Winkler
West Brookfield, MA

Richard - Thanks for a truly wonderful
magazine! I would like to commend you
and your staff on providing us with a
magazine that represents the reality of
hunting and travel in Africa. Having
the opportunity to hunt and overland in
Africa on three occasions I have found
your magazine valuable.
On every trip I used the Afton Guest
House as my meet and greet/bed &
breakfast accommodation. The location,
service and accommodations were great

  • every trip. Wonderful and caring staff.
    Keep up the good work.
    I would also like to compliment you
    on the staff and African Oasis Shop
    in Dillon, Montana. During my re-

subscribing process almost two years ago
I took advantage of the two-year deal
with the added books. However the cost
of shipping to Canada was outrageous so
I opted to just stop by and pick them up
as we do travel to Arizona.
Well life happens and trips got cancelled
until last February when I just dropped
in to see if I could pick up those books.
I was truly surprised will Dillon and the
African Oasis Shop. My wife and I had a
bit of a flashback with all the décor and
mounts as we enjoyed a coffee with your
I explained the subscription/book issue
and the young lady was very helpful and
quickly gathered up the two books for

me. Dillon and the shop are on my must
stop/travel break itinerary for future trips.
I would encourage anyone travelling
through that area to take the time to
explore the town and take a break in the
African Oasis shop.
I am taking advantage of a re-
subscription plan - and perhaps sometime
in the future will be able to shake hands
with you. Keep up the great work. Again,
my compliments on the great magazine,
African Oasis Shop and staff!

Kelly Drolet
Hunter, Overland Traveler
Alberta, Canada

Dear Kelly,

Thank you for a tremendous letter. It’s a
team effort, and copied in are the folk that
work hard to make it all happen.
If everyone could visit the store, visit Afton
and African three times and then spread the
word like this to their circle of friends, we’d
be rocking and rolling and so would African
One step at a time and so for now, a big
thank you for the wonderful feedback.

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