Star Magazine USA – August 19, 2019

(Grace) #1
AUGUST 19, 2019 Star 37


EESE Witherspoon seems, to
outside eyes, perfect. Perky, together,
approachable, she appears to be a mashup
of the best parts of Big Little Lies’ queen
bee Madeline and Legally Blonde’s
cheery, ambitious Elle Woods, sipping
whiskey in a teacup and effortlessly
adapting novels and winning Oscars. But beneath that
Superwoman exterior, sources say, the star is actually
on the verge of imploding from stress. And the pressure
— from many areas in her life — could be leading to a
fracture in her marriage. “Reese is the most cool, calm
and collected woman you’ll ever meet, ordinarily,” says
a source. “But lately, a few things have been getting the
best of her, and she feels like she’s about to crack.”

Reese is at the peak of her professional life, killing it
in myriad platforms. But just when she should be on
top of the world, she’s feeling personally vulnerable,
particularly in her relationship with her husband,
Hollywood agent Jim Toth. “It’s pretty widely known
that she’s having trouble in her marriage,” a friend
confides. “They’ve been on the ropes ever since
Jennifer Aniston’s birthday party back in February,
when Reese got so steaming drunk that Jim left
without her.” But booze really isn’t the issue, the friend
suggests — time is. Reese is “so all-consumed with
the other things in her life, especially her work and her
kids, there’s really nothing left for Jim.” Reese’s to-do
list is infinite: being mom to three children (Ava and
Deacon, whom she shares with ex Ryan Phillippe, and
Tennessee, her son with Jim); producing and starring
in films and series like Big Little Lies and Hulu’s Little
Fires Everywhere, along with a zillion other projects
in development by her production company, Hello
Sunshine; overseeing retail fashion and home-goods
lines; and being actively involved in philanthropy and
activism in Hollywood. What downtime?! Jim has “put
up with being second and even third best for a year or
so now, and he’s told friends he’s not sure how much
longer it can go on like this,” a tipster shares. Reese is
aware of the issues, the source says, but “she’s simply
so busy she doesn’t know how to fix it.”

The news that Big Little Lies — despite its mega
popularity — won’t have a season 3 has particularly
stung the producer-actress at an already difficult time,
sources say. The show was “Reese’s baby, and she
threw everything she had into it,” says someone close
to the series. “When she got the news that they were
done after season 2, she had a bit of a breakdown. She
was so down about it, she felt all her hard work was
for nothing.” And Reese doesn’t deal with rejection
or disappointment well, a source says — so the BLL
setback was crippling. “Reese is all-or-nothing, and
things must always go according to her plan,” says a
source. “Right now, there are a few things out of her
control, because she’s taken on too much. Friends are
worried she’s at a breaking point. Anyone would be.” ★

Third Wheel
With Reese’s mountain of
responsibilities, her marriage has
been getting short shrift.


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