hen one is committed to
improving his/her lifestyle
for the better, health will
always be a priority. Years
ago,peoplewill only consult doctors if they
havea serious medical condition. But with the
riseofself-care and the discipline of healthy
living,thepublic is now more aware and more
educated that preventive healthcare is a better
alternative rather than cure.
The Medical City delivers the best health
services to treat patients and improve their
condition better.
Doctor Christian J. Flores, consultant-
director of the Wellness and Aesthetics
Institute, advises the public to have a
customised preventive health check-up to
evaluate risk for disease and complications,
monitor chronic diseases such as stroke,
diabetes, and cancer and optimize over-all
health through lifestyle management.
“Our team of specialists utilises a holistic
approach in assessing the risk of chronic
disease and recommend an array of
interventions from lifestyle management to
medical and surgical management—all to
promote health optimisation from the inside, to
the outside,” he explains.
Pioneering unparalleled healthcare, The
Medical City’s facilities are housed within a
specified area in the hospital, designed to be
more accommodating for patients similar to a
hotel or resort like ambience.
“The setup also allowed us to have our own
dedicated aesthetic surgical operating theatre
and our own in-patient unit to promote exclusivity
and privacy as we consider these values a high
priority for our patients,” says Flores. ■
The Medical City Wellness and Aesthetics
Institute is located at 6th Floor, Podium
Building, The Medical City, Ortigas Avenue,
Pasig City. Call (2) 988-1000 or 988-7000
ext. 6576. For more information
email [email protected]
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(inset)DrChristianJ Flores
Where Wellness Matters
As one of the country’s leading healthcare institutions,
the Medical City employs a holistic and medical
approach in assessing the health of its patients
The road to a healthier lifestyle may be
overwhelming, but Doctor Flores has
some simple and easy to do advise to
improve one’s well-being:
- Aim for your ideal body weight
- Get eight hours of solid sleep, avoid
screen time prior to going to bed - Consume at least three to five
servings of vegetables and one to
two servings of fruits a day - Get 150 minutes of moderate
physical activity in a week - Practice meditation
- Have some “me” time a couple of
hours a week - Don’t bring work home
- Avoid smoking
PhotoGraPhy: raMoN MaNGila
beauty & wellness / The Medical City