Philippine Tatler – August 2019

(vip2019) #1
Our overnight stay in Porto was defi nitely too short,
but we defi nitely have a reason to come back. When in
Porto, stay in the centre of the city to walk and immerse
yourself in its interesting culture. We stayed at A
Brasileira Hotel in Pestana, which our group enjoyed.
Our Fatima trip by car from Lisboa was wonderful.
We were blessed to hear Mass while we were there and
enjoy the feeling of Mama Mary truly with us. Óbidos was
another wonderful surprise, a small town situated higher
on the hills which reminded me of Greece.
Portugal offers a different shopping experience; you’ll
fi nd linens and ceramics in A Vida Portuguese where items
are handmade and done locally with pride. I enjoyed our
trip and Portugal is top of the list of places to visit again.

The art of Azulejos is the fi rst thing that comes to mind
when I think of Portugal. These beautifully glazed
ceramic tiles decorate all sorts of structures, from church
walls, to palaces, shops, ordinary homes, fountains, and
train stations. It made walking through the hilly and
cobblestoned streets of Lisbon, Porto, and the other
towns we visited even more enjoyable.
The local fare was just as much of a treat. The build-
up about Pastéis de Bélem was accurate: the little custard
tarts are available all over Portugal, but the best I have
ever tasted was in this pastry shop. The sardines are not
to be missed either: Sea Me at Timeout Market serves
them seared abura-age-style with just a little Japanese
chili pepper, while DOP restaurant by Chef Rui Paula
serves them braised with tomatoes and mushrooms on
crusty bread.
There are too many highlights to mention, but being
in such fun company is what makes any trip truly special
and memorable.

When I was in Portugal 11 years ago, the buildings looked
run down and old, the colours were dull, there was lots
of dirt everywhere, and I didn’t feel safe walking by
myself. But today, with their rising economy, buildings
are being restored to their original beauty. They’ve rebuilt
structures with a tight monetary hand and how creatively
resourceful they’ve been—they painted their buildings
brighter and tiled the exteriors to enhance the beauty
of Lisbon. The blues, reds, oranges, yellows, pinks, and
greens made me fall in love with the colours of Portugal.

I’ve been travelling with this specific group of friends
for the past three years, and every destination with
them has always been special. This year the destination
was Portugal; for me, it was an Eat, Pray, Love kind of
adventure with friends.
What to eat? The seafood in Portugal was excellent.
I’m not a big seafood eater but the black paella from
Solar Dos Presuntos was so worth every calorie that we
went twice.
Where to pray? Fatima is a holy destination that I’ve had
a chance to visit twice; it’s a must for pilgrims of the faith.
What was there to love? Journeying with people you love,
whether friends or family, make any destination that much
more memorable.

Where do I begin describing what I love about Portugal?
There was so much to see in only one week that left me
wishing for more. This is a special country, a place that
has retained its timeworn charm coupled with a cool
contemporary vibe. It’s a great destination to travel to with
good friends as I did last spring.
I love the beauty of the old and new: the weathered
buildings decorated with gorgeous Azulejos, the traditional
ceramic tile work that is absolutely stunning; the intricate
iron balconies that frame the windows so beautifully; the
graffi ti and street art that gives these façades their edge and
grit. One can spend hours exploring and being amazed with
each new turn into the city’s quaint streets.
My favorite places to visit were Lisbon, Porto, Sintra,
and Fatima. We ate the freshest seafood in Ramiro,
Monte Mar, and Solar Dos Presuntos. We saw the most
exquisite ceramics in Bordallo Pinheiro, Vista Alegre,
and A Vida Portuguesa. We made friends along the way
with locals who graciously took good care of us. But
most of all, we made unforgettably fabulous memories,
enjoyed endless laughter, and took countless photos to
remember our journey by. It all ended much too soon
but we will be back for more—either together or with
our own families.

Portugal was a very pleasant surprise for me. Lisboa
felt like the “old” Europe I enjoyed in my teens. People
are friendly, accommodating and sincere. The food is
delectable with an abundance of good restaurants like Time
Out Market, Ramiro, Solar dos Presuntos, and DOP.

We PORtuGal
(Top row) Crabs at Ramiro restaurant; Memmo Principe Real Hotel;
Trams fi rst appeared in Lisbon in 1873 and are still used today; (middle
row) Time Out Market; Heading to Fatima; Arroz Negra from Solar Dos
Presuntos; (bottom row) Claus Porto soaps; The famous egg tart from
Pasteis de Belem; A Vida Portuguesa store

180 philippine tatler. august 2019

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