Tr ave l l i n g M a n
This month, Philippine Tatler takes you on a fantastic adventure courtesy of its cover star—
Asia Tatler’s new Editor-at-Large for Travel; Beautiful Destinations founder and CEO, the
dashing, charming, and down-to-earth Jeremy Jauncey.
I first met Jeremy through our common friend Ben Chan when he came to Manila as a Bench
endorser. We reconnected early this year when I asked him if he could be a contributor to this
magazine. When I told my colleagues in the Asia Tatler head office about Jeremy, they thought it
would be a great idea for him to be the travel editor for all the regional titles as well.
So, Philippine Tatler introduces him (not that he needs any introduction) in a major way via
this issue. For those unfamiliar with the digital world and social media (where have you guys
been?), Jeremy and his company have built a multi-media platform for a global community,
inspiring them through the power of travel.
To date, Beautiful Destinations has about 12.6 million followers—and is still growing. It has
added Beautiful Hotels, Beautiful Cuisine, and Beautiful Matters to its content line-up. Get to
know more about Jeremy and his plan to connect and change the world via this platform.
This is a very special issue for me as it celebrates in a huge way the 25th anniversary of two
of my good friends, Dennis and Tessa Valdes. Tatler did a photoshoot with the couple and their
close friends in Balesin. Tessa, as is her nature, went OTT, flying in a private jet (Air Taxi) and
luxury cars (Ferrari and Maserati) to be included in the pictorial.
This issue also celebrates friendships by featuring the annual trip—our fourth adventure—I
share with my close friends. The first took us to Florence, then to Venice, then to Hong Kong.
This year’s destination? Portugal. Understand why we all fell in love with this must-go-to city
with each one’s memorable moments. Get to know, too, why we believe travel and friendships
go hand in hand.
As this is a sustainability issue as well, there are stories on how you can be a part of protecting
Mother Earth. “The Paradigm of Sustainability” is a treatise on how we have harmed the
environment and what we can all do to reverse the tide. Tourism Secretary Berna Puyat leads
off with government initiatives. Other articles include Sylivia Earle, legendary oceanographer;
the shift towards eco-minded travellers; how watch companies have become environmentally
conscious; recycling in fashion, and more.
Next month, we celebrate our 18th anniversary and we promise to pull out all
the stops. Please join us in commemorating this milestone.
Jeremy Jauncey; Belem Tower
Bon, Por
28 philippine tatler. august 2019