Philippine Tatler – August 2019

(vip2019) #1
Gen T / upfront

AGREA is a for-purpose company that
aims to develop the fi rst “One Island
Economy” in the Philippines that focuses
on zero hunger, zero waste, and zero
insuffi ciency. We are modelling it on the
island of Marinduque and are currently
replicating it in Siargao. Our mission is
to empower local farmers and utilise
the resources of the island by
implementing sustainable agricultural
practices and creating inclusive
agribusiness livelihood programmes.

What makes it unique?
The company makes use of an island-
wide development approach in
forwarding sustainable agriculture,
which is the most neglected sector in the
Philippines. We work with public and
private institutions, as well as civil society
organisations present on the island. We
also mobilise locals—particularly the
youth—to be the frontliners in making
their future brighter.

What about this endeavour makes
you particularly proud?
I am lucky to have found my purpose and
passion at an early age. I started working
with sugarcane farmers at the age of
12, and was teaching them the basics of
planting their own food around their

eat healthy and save money.Having
been in agriculture for 20 yearsnow,
some people call me the “21stCentury
Farmer.” I am proud of my commitment
to the cause because it has madeasolid
impact and has infl uenced many.Along
the way, I am also given theprivilege
to inspire people and to givethemthe
ability to dream big for themselvesand
for the country.

Any particular goals for the
near future?
My goal is to scale the businessandthe
advocacy of the organisation.Iwantmy
company to be the model ofayoung,
female-led, and inclusive agribusiness
company in the country. Thisyear,we
are establishing our second farmschool
in Siargao Island. We will focuson
empowering and training thewomen
from every farming communitytobethe
food producers to aid in resolvingthe
island’s crisis in food severity, caused by
the booming tourism industry.

Is there anything about you that
surprises people when they fi nd
out about it?
I learnt from people who don’t know
how to read and write, with very minimal
education. In spite of this, I was granted




Generation T

Generation T is Philippine Tatler’s platform
for the leaders of tomorrow. To read more
interviews with young game changers
like Cherrie, scan the QR code or go to

As the Founder and CEO of AGREA
Philippines, Cherrie paves the way
for a sustainable agricultural system
in the country

Photography: Wesley Villarica
Creative Direction: Shauna Jay Popple Williams
Interview: Jeanna Lanting
Make-Up: Johnson Estrella

a Fulbright Scholarship eight years ago in
an Ivy League school abroad. However, I
was in the middle of helping ex-convicts
become farmers—and, more importantly,
good fathers and providers in their
household—so I let go of my scholarship
and stayed with them to help develop the
Gawad Kalinga Enchanted Farm.
A lot of people did not understand
my situation and judged my decision of
forgoing such a prestigious scholarship. It
was also distressing for me because it was
my greatest personal dream. But I asked
myself, “What kind of a person would I be
if I leave the very people who depend on
me?” Society may have left them behind,
but I could not—and will not.

philippine tatler. august 2019 59

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