Life / Tra v e l
The Next Best Thing
A slew of new hotels in some of the world’s greatest destinations are all set
to change the game when it comes to delivering on the promise of pure
comfort in exquisite environment
Oriental Marrakech
Rue du Golf Royale, 40000
MaRRakech, MoRocco
It may be just five minutes away from the city centre, but
stepping into the Mandarin Oriental Marrakech is like
entering a completely different world.
Set in a sprawling 20-hectare estate surrounded
by elegant gardens, this hotel offers world-class
accommodations, fine cuisine, and numerous amenities,
all given a touch of local flavour and colour to make
every stay enchanting and memorable.
Accommodations include 54 one- and two-bedroom
villas, seven suites individually equipped with plunge
pools, and two Infinity Pool Suites with direct access
to the hotel’s well-appointed spa. Each room features
elements of traditional Moroccan design, skilfully
woven in with modern amenities that guests will find
both fascinating and relaxing.
The 1,800-square metre spa offers treatments
ranging from traditional therapies to a digital
detox that helps reset guests from online stress.
Par aMOunt
hOuse hOtel
80 coMMonwealth St, SuRRy hillS
2010, new South waleS, auStRalia
The newest gem in the Surry Hills has a
glamorous backstory: it is located within the
former headquarters of Paramount Picture
Studios. But, putting that aside, Paramount
House is a boutique hotel that wants its guests
to consider it a home away from home.
There are only 29 rooms here, but one
can choose lodgings sporting any one of four
specific styles: Nook, cosy corner rooms for
overnight stays; the airy Everyday; Sunny with
its plant-filled alcoves; and Loft, where the
sleeping areas are located on a mezzanine.
A good brew may be found at the
Paramount Coffee Project which serves up
a great cup of joe, as well as healthy and
delicious meals. There is also a recreation
centre where one can join fitness classes,
as well as the Golden Age Cinema and Bar
where one can sip cocktails while watching
classic films.
80 philippine tatler. august 2019