74 ALASKA SPORTING JOURNAL AUGUST 2019 | aksportingjournal.com
mount hung in our house for many years,
and still does. Each day I would walk by
and admire it, vowing someday I would
have one of my very own. That was
many years – and many mounts – ago.
These days, hunting for me isn’t so
much about hanging a head on the wall,
even though it used to be. Don’t get me
wrong: I still mount those that are true
representatives of the species and am
excited to see them when I get them
back from the taxidermist.
But what it’s really about these days
is the memories made during the ad-
venture. Most hunts result in food for
my family and/or spending time with
them or friends in the great outdoors. It
also helps me as writer to share those
experiences with others and in some
cases pass on the advice I’ve learned in
my pursuit of big game. I’ve been very
lucky, to say the least.
WE ALL NEED A place to call our own, a
place we can go to reflect and count
our blessings – a man cave of some
kind, a place that only has meaning
for one person, me, the hunter, in this
case. My trophy room was a dream for
many years, but after careful planning
Atkins’ pursuit of an Alaska mountain goat
was agonizing. When he finally got it done, he
wanted to preserve the highlight of long years
and hard hunts. (PAUL D. ATKINS)
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