Alaska Sporting Journal – August 2019

(avery) #1


The cape and head are usually the
last load packed out of the field, or
they should be. If it’s a good bull or
ram, take the time to cape them out
and bring them home. You’ll be glad
you did. (PAUL D. ATKINS)

walls; my hope is to add more trophies
as luck, time and money allows. Being
able to walk in, sit at my desk – either to
write an article or just to hang out – is
very special to me.

THE ANIMALS IN MY room are memo-
ries that allow me to reflect on those
special days afield. Whether is it’s my
big moose I took with my good friend
Lew that early morning long ago or the
muskox we arrowed while we darn near
froze to death, they all take me back to
an incredible time usually spent with
incredible people in some of the most
beautiful country known to man.
Some people dream of a place of
their own; I know I did. It took years to
accomplish, but it happened with time,
money and a lot of effort. ASJ

Editor’s note: Paul Atkins is an outdoor
writer and author from Kotzebue, Alas-
ka. He has written hundreds of articles on
big game hunting, and fishing throughout
North America and Africa, plus surviving in
the Arctic. Paul is a monthly contributor to
Alaska Sporting Journal.
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