2 List of Tables
- Greenhouse Designed withMATLABand Simulink Revolutionizes Agri-
culture in Arid Coastal Regions
(http://www.mathworks.com/company/user_stories/userstory2347.html?by=industry) - Thames Water Aims to Reduce Leaks by More Than 25% Using a
MATLAB-Based Leak-Location System
(http://www.mathworks.com/company/user_stories/userstory2354.html?by=industry) - Samsung UK Develops 4G Wireless Systems with Simulink
(http://www.mathworks.com/company/user_stories/userstory10725.html?by=industry) - Cambridge Consultants Develops WiMAX Test Bench for Aspex Semi-
conductor with MATLAB
(http://www.mathworks.com/company/user_stories/userstory10996.html?by=industry) - Halliburton Makes Oil Exploration Safer Using MATLAB and Neural