An interactive introduction to MATLAB

(Jeff_L) #1

34 scripts and functions

Listing 3.1: my_surf.m - Script to plot a surface
1 % my_surf.m
2 % Script to plot a surface
3 %
4 % Craig Warren, 08/07/2010

6 % Variable dictionary
7 % x,y Vectors of ranges used to plot function z
8 % a,c Coefficients used in function z
9 % xx,yy Matrices generated by meshgrid to define points on grid
10 % z Definition of function to plot

12 clear all; % Clear all variables from workspace
13 clc; % Clear command window

15 x = linspace(−1,1,50); % Create vector x
16 y = x; % Create vector y
17 a = 3;
18 c = 0.5;
19 [xx,yy] = meshgrid(x,y); % Generate xx & yy arrays for plotting
20 z = c*sin(2*pi*a*sqrt(xx.^2+yy.^2)); % Calculate z (function to plot)
21 surf(xx,yy,z), xlabel('x'), ylabel('y'), zlabel('z'), ...
22 title('f(x,y)=csin(2\pia\surd(x^2+y^2))') % Plots filled−in surface


  • It is extremely useful, for both yourself and others, to put comments in
    your script files. A comment is always preceded with a percent sign (%)
    which tellsMATLABnot to execute the rest of the line as a command.

  • Script file names MUST NOT contain spaces (replace a space with the
    underscore), start with a number, be names of built-in functions, or be
    variable names.

  • It is a good idea to use theclear alland clccommands as the
    first commands in your script to clear any existing variables from the
    MATLABworkspace and clear up the Command Window before you

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