An interactive introduction to MATLAB

(Jeff_L) #1
3.2functions 43

Exercise 6: Functions

Write your own functions to solve the following problems:

  1. Produce a conversion table for Celsius and Fahrenheit temperatures. The
    input to the function should be two numbers:TlowerandTupperwhich
    define the lower and upper range, in Celsius, for the table. The output of
    the function should be a two column matrix with the first column showing
    the temperature in Celsius, fromTlowerandTupperwith an increment of
    1 ◦C, and the second column showing the corresponding temperature in
    Here are some tips to help you get started:

    • Start with a function definition line. What are your input and output

    • Create a column vector to hold the range
      Celsius = [T_lower:T_upper]'

    • Calculate the corresponding values in Fahrenheit using
      Fahrenheit = 9/5 * Celsius + 32

    • Create a matrix to hold the table using
      temp_table = [Celsius Fahrenheit]
      Test your function forTlower= 0 ◦CandTupper= 25 ◦C.

  2. The angles of cosines of a vector in 3dspace are given by:

cos(αj) =aj
, for j=1,2,3

Given the magnitude,|a|, and angles of cosines,αj, calculate the Cartesian
components,aj, of the vector.

Exercise 6 Solutions


Additional Exercises
You should now attempt questions from Chapter C.3.

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