An interactive introduction to MATLAB

(Jeff_L) #1
5.1for loops 59

The for loop


Self Test Exercise: for loops
Evaluate the following expressions without usingMATLAB. Check your an-
swers withMATLAB.

  1. How many times will this code printHello World?
    1 for a=0:50
    2 disp('Hello World')
    3 end

  2. How many times will this code printGuten Tag Welt?
    1 for a=−1:−1:− 50
    2 disp('Guten Tag Welt')
    3 end

  3. How many times will this code printBonjour Monde?
    1 for a=−1:1:50
    2 disp('Bonjour Monde')
    3 end

  4. How many times will this code printHola Mundo?
    1 for a=10:10:50
    2 for b=0:0.1:1
    3 disp('Hola Mundo')
    4 end
    5 end

Listing 5.3 demonstrates an example of using aforloop to take the sum of
a geometric series (the same example posed in Exercise 2, Question 8).
Listing 5.3: for_loop_sum.m - Script to sum a geometric series using aforloop
1 % for_loop_sum.m
2 % Script to sum a geometric series using a for loop
3 %
4 % Craig Warren, 01/09/2011

6 % Variable dictionary
7 % n Number of terms to sum
8 % my_sum Sum of geometric series
9 % r Constant (set to 0.5 for this example)
10 % m Loop counter

12 clear all; % Clear all variables from workspace
13 clc; % Clear command window

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