An interactive introduction to MATLAB

(Jeff_L) #1

72 additional exercises

whereEis the energy release by the earthquake, andE 0 = 10 4.4J is a
constant (the energy of a small reference earthquake). Determine how
many more times energy is released from an earthquake that registers
7.1 on the Richter scale than an earthquake that registers 6.9.

  1. Variables
    The temperature dependence of vapor pressurepcan be estimated by
    the Antoine equation:

ln(p) =A−



wherelnis the natural logarithm,pis in mm Hg,Tis in Kelvin, andA,B,
andCare material constants. For toluene (C 6 H 5 CH 3 ) in the temperature
range from 280 to 410 K the material constants are:A=16.0137,B=
3096.52, andC= −53.67. Calculate the vapour pressure of toluene at
315 and 405 K.

  1. Adding vectors
    Three forces are applied to a bracket as shown in Figure 15. Determine
    the total (equivalent) force applied to the bracket.



F 1 = 400 N

F 2 = 500 N

F 3 = 700 N

20 ̊

30 ̊

143 ̊

Figure 15: Forces on a bracket
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