TPi Magazine – August 2019

(Nora) #1


of its 1.2m ROE Visual pixel Strips for internally lighting the DJ booth, and
dispatched three crew – Mike Radford, Robin Emer y and Anthony Condon –
for the weekend to ensure that ever ything ran smoothly.
CPL’s Dickie Burrow commented: “It was fantastic working on this new
Arcadia project. We all loved the spider and this next phase is another great
testament to their imagination, craziness and huge inspiration. The ideas
are always ambitious but really cool. It was amazing to be part of this show
and another great Glastonbury.”
Coinciding with the impressive projection work was a lighting rig to
match. “One of the main fixtures that we used on the rig was the Robe
iPointes,” commented Cameron-Marlow. Robe’s brand new IP65-rated
iPointe combines innovative ingress protection with the spectacular
effect features of the MegaPointe. “Over the years we’ve developed a ver y
good relationship with Robe. When we were looking at the lighting rig, we
knew we needed a bright fixture but that didn’t have to be covered by any
dressing or protective coating. For us the iPointe was the only fixture that
ticked both of these boxes.”
Another notable inclusion on the lighting rider came from AO
Technologies with its FALCON Beam 2 fixtures. The FALCON Beam 2,
with over 300,000 source lumens, were mounted around the outer circle
of the arena, creating architectural definition, a towering central focus
and a stunning aerial display.
Cameron-Marlow commented: “The FALCONs integrated into our
main lighting system perfectly and allowed the experience to take over

the sky. They were easy to install and performed flawlessly throughout
the weekend.” Controlling the impressive light show were two Avolites
Sapphire Touch. “We’ve used Avolites across the board this year,”
commented Cameron-Marlow, reflecting on Arcadia’s long relationship
with the console brand. “We’ve also used their Ai RX8 Media Ser vers – with
one main and one back-up – for all the 3D modelling for the media ser vers.
We also have one of their consoles firing all our pyro.”

It wouldn’t be an Arcadia show without a dose of pyro. This year was no
exception, with the team deploying its own arsenal of in-house fixtures.
“It certainly become a speciality of ours,” smiled Rush. “A part of our ethos
has always been to keep recycling of the upmost importance. This goes
for our pyro shots with half of them using biofuels.”
This ‘recycling ethos’ also led the team to come up with a brand-new
look for the show, namely a snow blast. “The snow effect has been a long
collaboration between us, Bristol University, Green Peace and a company
called Snow Business,” stated Cole. “We were looking at other effects
we could use to take over the sky. Confetti was always a no-go due to the
impact on the environment. The snow blasts didn’t have this problem and
were 100% safe for people and the surrounding wildlife.”
Also, on the effects rider was a collection of MDG Me8s. “The haze they
produce complements the show much better than most and we find they
really amplify everything,” enthused Cameron-Marlow.
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