Grit – September 01, 2019

(Elle) #1








years of marriage has taught my wife not to expect a lot out of me
when it comes to event planning. At our wedding, my only jobs
were to show up and get the beer. I’m often trusted with preparing the meat too.
I’m a pretty simple guy.
Months before my oldest son was scheduled to graduate high school, the party
stress had already begun. School has never been his favorite thing, so the fact that
he was on track to graduate was exciting, and Mama Bear was already starting to
worry about hosting his graduation party. Like any good husband, I stepped in to
see what I could do to help.
“Can you handle the meat?” she asked. Yes! That was exactly what I’d hoped
she’d say. This was a perfect excuse to host the pig roast I’d always dreamed of.

Planning a Pig Roast
My buddy Brian is famous in these parts for being the best pig roaster
around. He prefers to pit roast. I contacted Brian soon after I had my marching
orders and asked if he’d help me prepare a hog for my son’s party. He gladly
accepted the challenge.

The best way to roast
a pig is in the ground,
with the help of family
and friends.

By Jason Herbert


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