Birds and Blooms Extra – September 01, 2019

(Marcin) #1











cultivars with pink flowers (seen in
soils with high pH) or blue flowers
(soils with low pH). However, bigleaf
hydrangeas wilt quickly if the soil dries
out in summer, and they may not flower
reliably in colder regions. Panicle
hydrangeas are a better alternative
for many gardeners.

Follow these steps to dry and preserve flowers.

  • Wait until blooms start to
    fade and petals become less
    supple and more paperlike.

  • Cut 12- to 18-inch stems and
    remove any leaves or foliage.

  • Place in a vase of water,
    making sure flower heads
    aren’t crowded.

“If you have lots of sun and need
a drought-tolerant plant, you’ll find
that panicle hydrangeas fare better than
other types of hydrangeas,” Natalie says.
“They are also reliable bloomers that
flower on new wood, making them a
low-maintenance option for Zone 3
gardens.” Natalie recommends Fire
Light, which is packed with florets that
transform from pure white to pink and
then finish a pomegranate red.

It's best to plant hydrangeas in moist,
well-draining soil (they do not like wet
feet). With shallow roots, they tend to
dry out quickly, so a 2- to 3-inch layer
of shredded bark mulch is helpful. All
hydrangeas need some sunlight for best
flowering, ideally in the morning, but
oakleaf hydrangeas tolerate more shade
than others.
Hydrangeas grow in a wide range
of climates, but some area little better
suited to extreme temperatures than
others. Panicle hydrangeas such as
Limelight and the smaller Little Lime
are the most adaptable to any climate,
thriving where others might struggle.
The showy bigleaf hydrangeas and
oakleaf hydrangeas typically don’t do
as well with temperature extremes,
preferring the midrange zones. Smooth
hydrangeas are cold hardy down to
Zone 3 but do not like extreme heat.

COLOR: Smooth hydrangeas are now
available in variety of colors. Incrediball
Blush is silvery pink; the Invincibelle
series boasts pink, ruby and pink-mauve
hues; and Lime Rickey shines with
deep green flowers. These new, trendy
cultivars have been bred with stronger
stems to prevent flopping.
SIZE: Hydrangeas are usually big and
brassy, but plant breeders are working
on compact varieties. If you’re in the
market for a smaller plant, look for
Bobo panicle hydrangea, Tiny Tuff
Stuff mountain hydrangea, Mini Penny
bigleaf hydrangea and Invincibelle Wee

  • Keep the vase indoors,
    away from direct sunlight,
    for several weeks until
    stems are stiff.

  • Use in bouquets, wreaths or
    other flower arrangements.

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