Birds and Blooms Extra – September 01, 2019

(Marcin) #1


Gatsby Pink oakleaf
hydrangea is a native
grown for fall color.

Invincibelle Wee
White smooth
hydrangea blooms
for months.

White smooth hydrangea. “Wee White
is a huge game changer because of its
diminutive size,” Natalie says. “Topping
out at just 2½ feet, this is an ideal
hydrangea for use in containers and in
areas where the typical larger-sized
hydrangea just isn’t an option.”

REBLOOMING: While hydrangeas are
known for long-lasting blooms, work
is being done to encourage reblooming
among bigleaf and mountain varieties.
The Tuff Stuff series starts blooming
in early summer, producing new buds
and blooms until frost. “Our newest
variety is Tuff Stuff Ah-Ha mountain
hydrangea,” Natalie says. “It’s a strong
rebloomer, with huge waterlilylike
double florets that are blue or pink
depending on the soil.” •

Luke Miller is a master gardener who
annually scouts his yard looking for just
one more place to plant a hydrangea.



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