Birds and Blooms Extra – September 01, 2019

(Marcin) #1


Q How do I keep

yellow jackets out of

my birdhouses?


Kenn and Kimberly: Yellow jackets
and other wasps chew up bits of
wood to create paper, using it to
fashion elaborate hanging nests.
They’re attracted to birdhouses,
which offer sheltered nesting spots.
Don’t use pesticides on the birdhouse
to keep wasps out—that’s harmful for
the birds, too. Instead, rub a bar of
soap on the inside of the birdhouse
roof. The slick surface makes it
impossible for the wasps to attach
the base of their nests to the roof,
so they give up and go elsewhere.

Q This pretty mushroom popped up in our
yard. What species is it? Sharon Ferris MOORHEAD, MINNESOTA
Melinda: It’s most likely a pleated
inky cap mushroom, also known as
Japanese parasol. You typically find
these scattered in grassy areas in
summer and fall, growing alone or in
groups. There are quite a few similar-
looking mushrooms, so a close look
under the microscope is needed to
confirm its true identity.
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