Birds and Blooms Extra – September 01, 2019

(Marcin) #1

Q Is the spicy stuff they

put in birdseed to ward

off squirrels safe for our

feathered friends?

Betty Jo Halls

Kenn and Kimberly: It’s good to
question these things, but there’s
strong evidence the hot element
in some birdseeds, capsaicin, is
harmless to birds. In the American
tropics, many birds even eat the red
fruits of native wild peppers without
being affected by the capsaicin they
contain. In general, birds have far
fewer taste buds than mammals,
and the burning sensation doesn’t
bother them. Avian digestive
systems, including throats and
stomachs, are very tough, which
allows them to eat all kinds of things
that would seem daunting to us.

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