Next New Zealand – September 2019

(Brent) #1
1 NEWS presenter
Big red, as it was later named by a colleague,
was one of the  rst purchases I made where
Mum didn’t say, “I could make that”
(though she later did replicate it).
You see, I’m the product of fabric store
owners and an amazing seamstress
mother. My clothes, up until my early
20s, were all made by The House of G –
House of Gill.
This Alannah Hill top was one of my
very early purchases using my TVNZ
clothing allowance. Mum came to the
store to look at it and advise – I was so
thrilled when it passed her quality checks. It’s a top
I’ve worn on every occasion; I could dress it up or
down – for work or off-duty. For some reason I
didn’t even have my normal arm complex in it and
it was the perfect top for wearing in the day and
being able to throw on a jacket for a piece to camera
or live cross at 6. It was the backbone of my Europe
correspondent wardrobe and at one stage must
have been one of the hardest working and most
well-travelled tops in television. My friend reckons
it’s probably featured on the news 500 times.

This was from a photoshoot when I left
Shortland Street in 1996. I think my intention
was to conquer the world by trying to be dark
and mysterious. With hair like Hugh Grant.
Clearly it didn’t work. I remember being
extremely happy with the shoot, I
thought I looked cool and was
completely unaware of how silly
it would one day seem. I like the
coat, but I’m worried if someone
gave it to me today I wouldn’t
be able to do it up
any more.

Ria Vandervis
I remember this time in my fashion life very clearly. I was at university, had only
recently turned 18, and was experiencing nightclubs for the fi rst time. I was taking
fashion risks that I thought suited this new night-time lifestyle, including chokers,
cheesecutters and big hoop earrings. I don’t think I had a hair straightener yet, so
keeping my frizzy locks under wraps was a priority. This photo was taken at a club
in Wellington in 2002, and I remember feeling really cool and grown-up.

Michael, 1996

Ria, 2 2

‘Keeping my frizzy locks

under wraps was a priority’

A ‘Mum-a  r­ ed’ choice


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