Skin Deep – September 2019

(Brent) #1



wouldn’t usually think of or have any interest
in drawing, which pushes me to work outside
of my comfort zone and learn something I
wasn’t planning on learning. Luckily, most of
my customers so far seem to trust me to have
free reign over colour, which I find amazing

and appreciate to no end. It’s awesome to be trusted with that creative
freedom by a client, it gives you that boost you need sometimes when
you doubt your life choices and ability to be human.
What has been your most epic tattoo?
I can definitely give an example of an epic customer! I had an 18-year-
old chap book in for a huge phoenix across his chest and down one
arm, including one fully saturated nipple. He barely moved for the en-
tire thing, to the point I thought he was possibly part machine or al-
ready dead. I’m not sure I’ve ever thought of one of my own tattoos as
epic, but I really enjoyed doing the few portraits I’ve done (Bob Ross,
Super Hans, Danny DeVito etc) as they’ve usually turned out looking
enough like the person to consider it successful. And of course I love
doing all the bean filled animals!
There are many tattooists currently on the scene that are
exploring themes surrounding the dark, sombre and macabre, so it
is refreshing to see your work take a completely different approach
to tattoo design. What are you trying to convey with your tattoos?
I’m not sure I’m trying to convey too much with my tattoos. I’ve spent
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