Skin Deep – September 2019

(Brent) #1


y first memory of really looking at
a tattoo would be the anchor on my
Grandad's forearm from WWII,” re-
calls Ilona Fiddy. “He was a POW for
a time. It was blown out and my parents used it as a cau-
tionary tale,” which didn’t exactly work. Although she ad-
mits, “When I started tattooing, I had no tattoos,” she was
drawn to the art form and eventually made it her focus.
While in school, Fiddy enrolled in a “very experiential
and experimental” program that focused on “emerging
technologies and science as a medium for art.” Her early
career was “mostly graphic and digital design, illustration
or installation art on the side,” but as she puts it, “I kept
being drawn back to the most tactile mediums. I’ve done
paper and sand sculpture, hand lettering for signage or
chalkboards, and I still take freelance projects for other
types of art and design because I like the variety. I enjoy
being challenged by new mediums,” she explains.
There has been one constant, however, and that’s tat-
tooing. “I can see now how all these sensibilities enrich
my tattoo practice,” she says, opening up about her tattoo

journey. “Initially, I learned machine tattooing through
a friend, Jo Maramba, before apprenticing with an ex-
perienced full-time tattoo artist, Engel Cruz. The hand-
poking I developed on my own.”
As it turns out, mastering the hand-poke technique
plays an integral role in her mission to bring her Fili-
pino ancestry to the forefront. “Tattooing by hand was

Ilona Fiddy is on a mission. A mission to shine a light on her ancestors’ tattooed
past. Although the young talent calls Toronto, Canada home, the maternal side
of her family hails from the Philippines, a country whose rich tattoo history
was nearly eradicated during colonial times. Now, Fiddy’s doing her part to
reclaim the narrative and bring ancient traditions into modern times, choosing
specific imagery, mastering the hand-poke technique, and dishing out an
impressive history lesson to anyone who’ll ask. Which is exactly what we did.










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