Skin Deep – September 2019

(Brent) #1



to learn those things before making a design and tattoo-
ing it. I think that it is impossible to tattoo more than one
person a day, being an artist that tries to go through a
spiritual experience together with the client and to create
something positive out of it from the psychological aspect
as well as from the creative aspect.”
Moving forward, Chaim would like to take these connec-
tions further—to work not only with clients, but other art-
ists, too. “I am always open to collaborations with other art-
ists, and not just tattooers. I think this is a major thing when
talking about the development of art: instead of repeating
the same designs, we should be making more interesting
projects with a variety of artists from around the world.
“For me art is all about sharing and creating new stimu-
lations to people’s senses.” 

just observing or thinking about nature, as mathematical as it
is, as spiritual and abstract as it can be
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