Silicon Chip – July 2019

(Frankie) #1

106 Silicon chip Australia’s electronics magazine


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Tricky fix for DAB+/

FM/AM Radio

I am having problems getting the
DAB+/FM/AM Radio (January-March
I initially purchased the Micromite+
Explore 100 as a kit from your Online
Shop. I assembled it and connected the
recommended 5-inch touchscreen. To
test it out, I modified Geoff’s Graham’s
Super Clock (July 2016; siliconchip. to run on the
Explore 100. It all worked well.
I then ordered the DAB+/FM/AM
Radio Board, again from your shop,
with all the components pre-mounted
in the IC1 area and I also purchased the
other surface-mount parts set. I then
assembled this board, less the optional
digital audio components.
I then assembled all the board into
the ‘stack’ with just the front perspex
panel. On powering up, one pair of
the audio transistors kept overheating.
Having read the letter and your reply
to another reader in the March 2019
magazine, I removed the 2.2kW resis-
tors from the ends of the diode and
this stopped the problem. I will fix
this properly after I’ve solved the fol-
lowing problems loading the firmware.
When I power up the radio, I get the
following messages in the start-up log:
Changing to AM
setting radio mode to... 0
radio reset, loading firmware...
LOAD_INIT failed
HOST_LOAD error! 1st pass
HOST_LOAD error! 2nd pass
Bootloader load from flash: 1197
LOAD_INIT failed
loading AM radio firmware from
done loading firmware from
booting radio...
I tried re-loading the data into flash
chip IC3 using the touchscreen con-
trols. No errors were reported on the
serial terminal, and it finished with
the “Done” message. But it didn’t fix

the booting problem.
I then used a PICkit 3 to re-load the
Explorer 100 with the full hex file
from your website. No errors were
reported, but the terminal program
seemed to indicate the baud rate was
wrong by printing strange characters.
I could not resolve this, so I re-load-
ed MMBasic from Geoff’s site. Then I
loaded the radio firmware (crunched)
from your website. I still got the above
error messages.
I also checked the MISO, MOSI and
SCK (SPI) tracks between the Si4689
and Explore 100 and its onboard PIC
chip. I found no short or open circuits.
I checked the voltage on the 3.3V rail,
both 1.8V rails, and the 5V and -5V
rails on the radio boards. They all
measured as expected.
What do you recommend for the
next step? (A. M., Eltham, Vic)

  • Before we had time to formulate a
    response, we received a follow-up:
    I used a CRO and multimeter to fol-
    low the steps during the start-up pro-
    cedure. Downloading the Si4689 data
    sheet with flow diagrams, I could iden-
    tify the steps in powering the chip up.
    It soon became obvious that the reset
    signal from pin 74 on the Explore 100
    PIC was missing.
    I checked this line and it was shorted
    to ground. I couldn’t see any solder
    bridges or other problems on the PIC
    pins (100-pin QFP).
    However, after lifting pin 74, the
    pin tested OK. The track appeared to
    be shorted to ground under the PIC
    chip. I could not find the short, so I
    cut the track adjacent to the PIC and
    linked pin 74 to the track. Success! It
    now boots and reports ‘No Errors’ on
    the screen.
    We’re glad you found and fixed this
    fault. This could be a flaw in the PCB.
    It’s uncommon, but it can happen, es-
    pecially when tracks are very close to-
    gether, or close to copper pours.
    We don’t have as much experience
    with four-layer commercial boards as
    we do with double-sided boards; po-
    tentially, faults are more common on
    these. But many of the PCBs we pur-

chase are also pre-screened for elec-
trical faults, so it’s surprising that a
faulty board would end up with one
of our customers.

DAB+/FM/AM Tuner
not booting
I purchased the PCB for the DAB+/
FM/AM Radio with the major parts
pre-soldered to the PCB. I loaded the
supplied HEX file into the micro us-
ing a PICkit 4.
All appears normal except no sta-
tions appear to be available, even
though I am in a good signal area for all
bands. I get the following errors on the
serial monitor screen during booting:
Waiting for CTS Timeout
Load Init Failed
Patch Bootloader error (multiple
Can you please point me in the right
direction to get it working. (P. J., South

  • These errors point to a communica-
    tion problem between the microcon-
    troller and the radio IC. With no (or
    garbled) communication, no stations
    will be found. We had similar prob-
    lems with our prototypes at times,
    which we eventually traced to bad
    connections in the large 40-pin header
    between the boards, as the pins were
    not making proper contact.
    Apart from checking that, we sug-
    gest looking for problems on the
    boards between the microcontroller
    and the radio IC, eg, incorrectly in-
    stalled or missing components, bad
    solder joints or solder bridges creat-
    ing short circuits.

DAB+/FM/AM radio
BASIC code not loading
I have been working on building
the DAB+/FM/AM Radio and today
got the Explore 100 board and dis-
play running.
I haven’t finished the radio yet, but
I attempted to upload the “DAB FM
AM Radio Firmware CRUNCHED.
bas” file into the Explore 100 board. It
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