Silicon Chip – July 2019

(Frankie) #1

18 Silicon chip Australia’s electronics magazine

Only N-channel Mosfets seem to be
affected by SEB; P-channel devices ap-
pear to be immune.
Single Event Gate Rupture (SEGR)

  • this affects power Mosfets and is
    caused by the breakdown of the oxide
    layer on the Mosfet gate structure. The
    results are similar to an SEB event.

Electrostatic charging of


Spacecraft can acquire an electrical
charge due to their interaction with
charged particles in space.
Generally, spacecraft have a posi-
tive charge on the sunlit side due to
the photoelectric effect, and a nega-
tive charge on the dark side due to
plasma charging.
This charge can occur either on the
surface of or internal to the spacecraft.
This can result in damage to electronic
circuitry and interference with scien-
tific measurements.
Damage can occur due to electric
discharges between adjacent compo-
nents at very different potentials, or

from an electric discharge due to an
accumulated static charge within di-
electric materials due to long-term
bombardment with charged particles.
The satellites most vulnerable to
these effects are in geosynchronous
orbit, where there is a low plasma
density that does not allow a bleed-
off of charge.
Potentials as high as 20kV have
been recorded.
Spacecraft charging avoidance op-
tions are limited, but it can be miti-
gated by having charge dissipating
surfaces, using design practices to
minimise differential charging and
careful consideration of spacecraft or-
bit and space weather during launch
(eg, avoiding solar storms).

Electromagnetic pulses
Apart from nuclear explosions,
electromagnetic pulses (EMP) can
arise from lightning, electrostatic
discharges, switching heavy current
loads, non-nuclear electromagnetic
pulse (NNEMP) weapons and electro-
magnetic forming, as used in industry
to shape certain items.
An EMP can induce strong currents
in materials and damage or destroy
them, wipe magnetic media, interfere
with wireless communications, de-
stroy national power grids and have
many other adverse effects.
Protection against EMP can include
shielding and current limiting devic-
es, but it is difficult to protect an en-
tire power grid.
Recognition of such a risk has lead
to the US “Executive Order on Coor-
dinating National Resilience to Elec-
tromagnetic Pulses” (see siliconchip.
See also the report at: siliconchip.
It is not known if Australia has
any specific plans to deal with such

Designing to minimise
radiation-induced events
Avoidance or minimisation of ad-
verse events due to radiation can be
achieved through appropriate com-
ponent selection, digital error detec-
tion and correction, use of redundant
components, detection of excessive
current or heat at chip junctions (see
Fig.11) and also shielding.
The problem with shielding is that it
is heavy and is also ineffective against
cosmic rays. It can, however, be effec-

tive against solar flare particles.
Components designed explicitly for
radiation hardness are typically based
on a commercial equivalent, with vari-
ous modifications.
They generally lag behind non-
hardened devices in performance,
partly because of the extra research,
development and certification re-
quired to produce them and also be-
cause some radiation hardening fea-
tures tend to lower performance.
In fact, older, slower devices tend
to tolerate radiation better due to their
larger junctions, so ‘upgrading’ space-
rated components is much more diffi-
cult than their terrestrial counterparts.
In terms of susceptibility to radia-
tion-induced effects, technologies in
order of the least susceptible to the
most susceptible are as follows: CMOS
(silicon on sapphire), CMOS, standard
bipolar, low-power schottky bipolar,
nMOS DRAM (n-type metal oxide
semiconductor dynamic random ac-
cess memory).
Radiation hardening of devices
can be characterised as being based
on physical methods or logical meth-
ods, such as error correction and re-
Physical hardening methods in-

  • fabricating chips on an insulating
    substrate such as sapphire, to re-
    duce the possibility of parasitic
    stray current pathways caused by
    radiation events

  • the use of bipolar transistors in inte-
    grated circuits which use two types
    of charge carriers instead of FETs,
    which use just one

  • the use of SRAM (static random
    access memory), which is intrinsi-
    cally more radiation-resistant than
    DRAM (dynamic random access
    memory), although it is larger and
    more expensive

  • the use of wide band-gap semicon-
    ductors such as gallium nitride and
    silicon carbide instead of silicon,
    which are less likely to be disrupted
    by a given electrical charge injection

  • shielding of electronics with mate-
    rials such as aluminium and tung-
    sten, despite the added weight

  • shielding of electronics with bo-
    ron-11, which results in less sec-
    ondary emission of radiation when
    struck by primary radiation
    Logical means of radiation harden-
    ing include:

  • the use of strong error correct-

Fig.9: the RCA 1802,
one of the first radiation-
hardened CPU chips. Image credit:
CPU collection Konstantin Lanzet, CC
BY-SA 3.0

Fig.8: the Fairchild Micrologic Type
G three-input NOR gate from 1961,
the first practical integrated circuit,
as used in the Apollo guidance
computer. During its manufacture,
the price dropped from US$1000 to
US$20, leading to its commercial use.
It’s intrinsically radiation-resistant
due to its large size and small
component count (six transistors and
eight resistors). To see how this chip
worked and how it got humanity to
the moon see:

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