Hi-Fi World – September 2019

(Barré) #1

http://www.hi-fiworld.co.uk SEPTEMBER 201 9 HI-FI WORLD 83


Technics bring their Direct Drive tech
to a budget plug–'n–play package.
Noel Keywood spins vinyl to check it


s the idea of listening to
music in an original for-
mat – meaning LP here,
not tape – gains ground,
Technics are pushing hard
to make sure their his-

torical influence isn’t forgotten. Not
difficult you might think when their
SL-1200 Direct Drive turntable intro-
duced in 1972 reached into millions
of homes worldwide to become a
legend. But today they face a market

teeming with competitors at cut
down prices. The new SL-1500C I’m
reviewing here is a starter package
aimed at getting those legendary
qualities into an affordable and com-
petitive product.

Technics Tech

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