45+ email content templates and the complete course to writing great emails

(lhb123) #1

What to Write in Your Emails


Whether you write blog posts, upload YouTube videos or want to share your
thoughts and advice on recent industry trends, a regular email newsletter is a
great way to turn one-time visitors into a loyal audience.

By giving your customers and website visitors an opportunity to stay connected
with your brand, you can remain top-of-mind as a reliable source of information.

To send a newsletter, simply create a broadcast (a one-time email) and add in
the latest information you wish to share with subscribers. Since a newsletter
broadcast email must be created and sent to your subscriber list each time,
you’ll want to determine a regular cadence for sending.

Whether it’s once a week or twice a month, the timing is up to you and your
subscribers’ preferences! A good place to start is considering how frequently
you create content, and then determining when you’ll have enough to share in
a newsletter. Aim to send at least one email a month to subscribers to keep your
list healthy and engaged.

There are different types of newsletters you can send.

The business newsletter template is great if you primarily create content about
a variety of business updates and news (such as policy changes, events you’re
attending, etc.).



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