45+ email content templates and the complete course to writing great emails

(lhb123) #1

What to Write in Your Emails

If you regularly publish blog posts, videos and/or podcasts, the content
newsletter (or digest) template is perfect for sharing your latest creations with
A curated newsletter is one way to create an email without spending too much
time writing content. If you find articles written by someone else that are
relevant to your subscribers, group them and link to them in your email!
To help position yourself as a thought leader in your industry, try sharing news
and blog articles written by others (in addition to a summary of your own
thoughts on how it’s relevant to your audience) in an email newsletter.
You can explore templates for the most popular ones below:
Check out the templates:
The ‘Business Newsletter’
The ‘Content/Blog Newsletter’
The ‘Curated Content Newsletter’
The ‘Industry News (written by others; single)’
The ‘Industry News (written by others; multiple)’
The ‘Industry News (you’ve written about)’

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