Empire Australasia – August 2019

(Marcin) #1


At Black Spire Outpost, the struggle
between the First Order and the
Resistance is treated as real as the
full-size Millennium Falcon that’s parked
in one of the land’s docking bays. There
are a number of smugglers, First Order
troops and Resistance fighters roaming
Galaxy’s Edge, and everyone is very
much in character: say “May the Force
be with you” a little too loud and you
will get questioned by a Stormtrooper.
There are also a number of live
performances to put you in the thick of
the action: Kylo Ren turns up to choke out
a First Order officer for not doing a good
enough job of weeding out the Resistance
(HR will likely have something to say about
that), and Chewie and Resistance spy Vi
Moradi can be found getting into a laser
fight with Stormtroopers with bad aim.
Visitors can also get in on the action
via the Disney Parks Play App, effectively
turning mobile devices into a ‘Datapad’
that can translate things written in the
Star Wars language Aurebesh. You can
also interact with droids, scan cargo
to reveal its contents, tune into
transmissions to decipher secret
messages and hack into door panels
as part of a real-time multiplayer game
called Outpost Control. A little more fun
than fielding texts from your mum asking
if you’re getting enough sleep, no?


Forget a new puppy: Galaxy’s Edge
offers all kinds of authentic Star Wars
critters you can take home that are,
pleasingly, relatively easy to get
through customs. At Bina’s Creature
Stall you can pick up a Kowakian
monkey-lizard (what Jabba the Hutt’s
pet Salacious Crumb is, for the
non-hardcore fans), Porgs, Loth-cats,
Mynocks and a whole bunch more.
The Black Spire Outpost marketplace
sells more than creatures, though. Also
on offer are Dajerik sets you can use to
play with your Wookiee friends, cards of
Sabaac, authentic Jedi-style robes and
other obscure knick-knacks from all
corners of the galaxy. Make sure you
have plenty of galactic credits in your
space bank – you’re gonna need them.

Clockwise from left:
Kylo Ren Force
chokes an underling;
What’ll it BB? Build
your own astromech
at the Droid Depot;
Blue and green milk
are both on offer at
Galaxy’s Edge; Some
of the many creatures
you can take home,
including a Kowakian
monkey-lizard (inset).
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