Mayfair Times – September 2019

(ff) #1


and a rarity in this central district; The
Pine Bar will serve bar bites and high-end
cocktails that highlight global challenges
to sustainability. “There are 12 cocktails,
and money from them will go to sustainable
causes. I want people to drink a cocktail and
be reminded about the challenges we face
as a species. It’s also a way of helping us be
The chef’s creative vision extends beyond
the food and drink. “I booted some of the
designers off The Betterment at the last
minute. The design is beautiful, but the
finishings to me are really important, and
they weren’t quite getting it. We’ve got a new
pair of eyes on it now, because it’s got to have
that wow factor. The trouble in Mayfair is
that restaurants can look a bit corporate. We,
of course, want it to be luxury, but people
also want to have a bit of fun in their lives. I
can’t wait for people to see it.”
Atherton says that Mayfair’s restaurants

  • and its patrons – have suffered because of
    over-inf lated prices; something he is keen
    to rectify at The Betterment. “When people
    open a restaurant in Mayfair, they think


Right: Jason Atherton at Pollen
Street Social
Below: Whole roasted duck for
two, sautéed wild mushrooms,
celeriac and Perigord truffle, spiced
leg salad at Pollen Street Social
Opposite: Buccleuch Estate steak
tartare, smoked beetroot, wild
leaves, goat’s curd, truffle dressing
at Pollen Street Social
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